I've been Research Fellow at University of Insubria (Varese, Italy) and Fellow of Luigi Einaudi Research Center, Torino.

My main fields of interest are Political Economy and Public Economics.


2008 - Ph.D in Economics, University of Pavia (advisor: Paola Profeta)
2002 - M.SC. in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) 
2001 - Laurea in Economics, University of Torino (summa cum laude; advisor: Elsa Fornero, co-advisor: Daniela Del Boca)


Refereed articles

1.  'Evolving Connections Between Tax and Financial Reporting in Italy' (with Gavana, G. and Marenzi, A.), Accounting in Europe, 10, 1, 43-70 (2013).

2.    Tactical transfers in a federal institutional settings’, Economics Bulletin, 31, 1, 2098-2108 (2011).

3.    ‘Redistribution and Government Tactical Behavior: An Analysis of Local Public Expenditure in China after the 1994 Tax Reform’, World Economy, 34,3, 404-423 (2011).

4.    ‘IFRS Adoption in the E.U., Accounting Harmonisation and Market Efficiency: A Review’, International Business and Economic Research Journal, 9, 12, 99-112 (2010).

5.    ‘Two coalitions as a Possible Equilibrium Outcome in a Proportional Representation System’ (with C. Litan), The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, 4, 2, 58-65 (2004).

Other articles, books and chapters in books

1. 'Una nuova classe media per una nuova economia globale', in Deaglio, M. (eds), 'La ripresa, il coraggio e la paura', Guerini e Associati Editore, Milano (2010). 
2. 'La corporate governance tra trasparenza e controllo', in Boffa F. and G. Galeazzi (eds), 'Evoluzione e discontinuità nel sistema finanziario internazionale', MCGraw-Hill, Milano (2010).

3. 'Il Mercato, Analisi dei Potenziali Flussi di Commercio' in Musso, B. and R. Roscelli, (eds) 'Bruco. Bi-Level Rail Underpass for Container Operations', CELID, Torino (2009)

4. 'Istituzioni federali e tattiche redistributive', Annali della Fondazione Einaudi, MMVIII, Leo. S. Olschki Editore (2008). 

Working papers

1. 'Tactical transfers in a federal institutional setting', Dipartimento di Economia, Università dell’Insubria, Quaderno di Ricerca 2011/1. (view paper)

2. 'Tax Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards: Evidence from a Sample of Italian Companies' with G. Gavana and A. Marenzi), Economics Department, University of Insubria, Quaderno di Ricerca 2010/10. (view paper)

3. 'Evolving Connections Between Tax and Financial Reporting in Italy'’ (with.G. Gavana and A. Marenzi), Economics Department, University of Insubria, Quaderno di Ricerca 2010/1 (submitted). (view paper)

Within the activities carried out at Einaudi Research Center I developed a set of indicators aiming at evaluating the institutional background and assessing the economic freedom in the European countries. This research activity led to the publication of several articles and reports:

1. 'Libertà economica: quanta nel mondo, in Europa, in Italia?' (with G.Ronca), Biblioteca della Libertà, 190, 29-36 (2008).

2. 'La Libertà Economica nel mondo, in Europa, in Italia' (with G. Ronca), Guerini e Associati Editore, Milano (2007).

3. 'Misurare la Libertà Economica, nel mondo, in Europa, in Italia' (with G.Ronca), Guerini e Associati Editore, Milano (2004)

4. 'On Italy's Economic Performance', in ‘The European Business Handbook 2003’, Kogan Page, London (2004).

5. 'Indice della Libertà Economica dell'Unione Europea, Secondo Rapporto Annuale 2002' (with P.Bussi, D. Donati e G.Ronca), Biblioteca della Libertà, 164, 91-119 (2002).

6. 'Indice della libertà economica dell'Unione Europea, Primo rapporto annuale 2001' (with G.Ronca), Biblioteca della Libertà, 157, 75-91 (2001).



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